I’ve belonged to the knitting group at Schlow Public Library since its formation five or six years ago. We’ve always done a little bit of knit/crochet to give away – afgans, mostly, and some of our members do other things.

This winter I proposed yarn-bombing Downtown Eugene Brown, the statue outside the library and the CATA bus office, and the crocheting Sarah quickly chimed in with an even better idea: charity yarn-bombing! We’re knitting cold-weather gear and dressing Eugene with scarves and such bearing tags that say “Cold? Take me! – the Schlow Knitters.” The first scarf went to someone who even thanked the library for it, and I took another batch down today.


A lot of the chitchat about this project has taken place on twitter (where else can you talk to a library and a statue about warm woolies?), so let me share with you today’s conversation.

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@phiala: Doesn’t @DTEugeneBrown look toasty in his new scarves and mitts? @schlowlibrary

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@schlowlibrary: BIG THANKS to the #KnittingClub!

@DTEugeneBrown: Thank you, @phiala & @schlowlibrary knitters! You’ve warmed me all the way to my toes. #yarnbomb #RandomActsOfKindness

@phiala: @DTEugeneBrown I hope you and a few other people are toastier. We will try to keep them coming. @schlowlibrary

@DTEugeneBrown: #ManOfBronze will be here waiting! @phiala @schlowlibrary @CATABUS

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@schlowlibrary: #SchlowKnitters #StrategicKnitwear has all found new homes as of 4pm today. :) #RandomActsOfKindness @phiala @DTEugeneBrown

So much fun! There are more things on the way; I’ll keep a tally (so far 3 scarves and a pair of mitts) and keep you posted.

Edited to add (in the interest of keeping all of this in one place):

Eugene is standing at one of the main bus transfer points, waiting for a bus. This is not only next to Schlow Library, but in front of the main CATA office. Not only have we gotten a nice thank-you email from the CATA PR manager, they also popped up on twitter.

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@CATABUS: Thank you, @phiala & @schlowlibrary Knitters, for your kindness! You are absolutely wonderful!

One response to “Warm woolies”

  1. Carol Elaine Avatar
    Carol Elaine

    I love this so much. I’ve been reading about this sort of thing all over and I think it’s a terrific idea. I almost wish SoCal was a bit colder so that I could distribute my newly knitted hats to people who need them. I think I’ll stockpile them and give a bunch to a friend who is a homeless advocate. I know she’ll get them to people who need them.

    Also, thanks for being fabulous!


I’ve been doing stuff with string for quite some time, and describing it to others online since 1996 or so at Phiala’s String Page.

I also do some science and write some fiction.

I’m Phiala most places on the internet.