
Reading knitters

Here’s another catch-up post… A knitting groups meets every other week at the State College public library. (Every other Monday from 6:30-8:30pm; check the calendar for exact weeks, and do come!) Beginners are welcome, and attendees knit or crochet, or once in a while other fiber arts. While I’m thinking of it, on July 13 instead of a regular knitting gathering, there will be a special presentation to complement the adult summer reading program (some kind of creativity-related theme that I don’t exactly remember). It’s being advertised as “Yarn Artist in Action”. What that really means is that I will be bringing in a bunch of different fiber arts stuff, talking a bit about spinning, dyeing and all the rest, and offering lots of hands-on stuff. Everyone is encouraged to bring their own projects to work on or display. I’d love to see any blog readers who are in the area – not just knitting, but any kind of fiber arts.

Sometime last year, a photographer came in and took a picture of the knitting group for library publicity. I didn’t think much about it, by which I mean that I completely forgot. This winter I was waiting for Nick at the library, sitting in one of the comfy chairs by the stairs. He arrived, and I stood and turned to leave, only to realize that I had been sitting in front of a GIANT poster of myself and the rest of the knitting group.

Knitters bookmark

I didn’t get a picture of the poster itself, but the librarian who organized the knitting group gave us all a couple of bookmarks too. I’m in green, under the D.


I’ve been doing stuff with string for quite some time, and describing it to others online since 1996 or so at Phiala’s String Page.

I also do some science and write some fiction.

I’m Phiala most places on the internet.