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Socks and science

But not, I’m afraid, the science of socks.

I have finally finished something.

finished socks

Hooray. These are from sock yarn I dyed – important to make a trial pair up so I can show what they look like. The ankle and top of the foot are in a k2-p2 ribbing that’s staggered one stitch with every row. I even remembered to make the diagonals go the opposite direction on the second sock.

finished socks closeup

Tamie is wearing them today, and claims to be quite pleased.

Once in a while I post something odd from work. It’s all been equations and funny-looking diagrams, but I do also do science that looks, well, sciencey.

looks like science

I’m headed back down to the lab to spend some more time with the balance. The more interesting-looking part of the science project in question looks like this:

clover up close

That’s a red clover leaflet, and you can even see the hairs. Neat, no? Or is that just me?

1 Comment on “Socks and science”

  1. #1 Tamie
    on May 13th, 2008 at 4:24 pm

    NO, that is NOT you. that is, as we were just told, a red-haired neat-leafed cloverette.
    ahh haa. and you thought we weren’t paying attention!