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Posts under ‘weaving’

Upcoming classes

Look at that! A great heap of new frame looms! Those are part of my preparations for the Fiber ArtsFest to be held in Huntingdon, PA, on September 18 and 19. What am I teaching? This! And this! And this! And this! Look like fun? You still have time to sign up for classes.


Interweave has a bunch of stuff on sale for President’s Day, including the Weaver’s Inkle Pattern Directory at $5. I’ve had an e-copy for a while (weaving patterns on the iPad; very convenient), but jumped at the chance to complement it with a physical copy. I bought two; one will show up in the FFF […]

Sticks and string

In the distant future: I just submitted four class proposals for the PA Fiber ArtsFest in September. I taught at the first one two years ago, and was on the schedule for last year but had to cancel for health reasons. I hope they let me come back; I haven’t been teaching nearly enough. Proposal […]

String books!

This has been languishing in my to-post pile, but that’s unhelpful, because you all NEED TO KNOW (no, really) that many of Penelope Walton Roger’s books on Viking, Anglo-Viking and Anglo-Saxon textiles are available free online, including the one that is so hard to find that even I din’t have a copy. Go forth and […]

Link round-up

So many nifty things on the internet this week: Sixteenth-century rocket cats. Why does this seem like a really awful idea? An article I hadn’t seen on the golden spider silk, with a lovely photo of the embroidery (previous links here and here). Hunting wild honey in Nepal. Neither fiber-arts related nor medieval, but stunning […]

Fiber arts fun

I have a whole list of things I want to work on, but that’s all it is, is a list. No actual working-on, except on my mindless shawl knitting. That’s okay, and I’m not going to fuss about it. (Much; you know me, there’s bound to be some fussing about lack of productivity, no matter […]

So much laundry

Pennsic was lovely, not too hot and not too wet. I went to a lot of meetings, led some weed walks, did some weaving. Nick insists that most people who need a bookmark don’t whip out their leftover yarn and weave one. I thought he was probably confused: of course people do that. So I […]

Teaching dates

Got some time this summer? Want to play with string? Have I got things for you! Registration is now open for Peters Valley Craft Center’s summer workshops. I asked if I could come back outside of hurricane season, so I could experience the joys of having power and running water. I’m teaching a combined tablet […]

From silk to ships

All kinds of things going on around here. But those will have to wait a bit: today is for weblink catch-up. Silk science is hot. Recent news releases include transgenic silkworms that spin spider silk, and using silk as a framework for growing new heart cells. Chris Petty is doing a PhD dissertation on warp-weighted […]

More on the loom

A few people asked about the dimensions of the Leclerc loom. I finally had a few minutes with a tape measure: weaving width 10″ loom width 11.5″ length 21″ height 17″ heddles 9.5″ I can’t find a serial number or any other identifier. As some of you suggested, I’m going to contact Leclerc directly and […]