Fiber, Fabric, and Fighting XXII

Greetings to all weavers, dyers, tailors, spinners, and textile workers of all persuasions!

FFF XXII will be in-person, at a new site but back to our traditional weekend. We will be gathering at the Seven Mountain Scout Camp, Spring Mills, PA, on the weekend of November 15-17, 2024. This site has bunk space for travelers, and we will have the library, the silent auction, and all of the activities we love. There's more room, better lighting, and all sorts of cozy places for chatting and project time.

At this time the event is FULL, and both preregistration and teacher registration are CLOSED. You may contact the reservationist or the class coordinator to be added to the respective waitlists.

Please note that preregistration is required for bunk space and for the dayboard. The full event announcement has all the details. Submitting a class proposal does NOT secure you a place; please also pre-register.

Teacher registration is now open. We have lots of space, good lighting, electricity, and a messy class space! There's even an area outside allocated for forestry or similar classes, including a fire ring. Please submit all class proposals through this form, and include any specific needs for particular spaces or facilities.

We look forward to seeing you in November!
Magnifica Fede di Fiore, Autocrat
Mistress Elyse la Bref, Co-Autocrat
Mistress Phiala O'Ceallaigh, Chancellor

Class Schedule

Version 2, updated Tuesday Nov 12.

Table of class times

Class Descriptions

Japanese Textiles

Katazome: Paste resist dyeing
Morikawa Rei, AEthelmearc
Learn katazome, Japanese rice paste resisted dyeing of fabric. This process produces patterned fabric that allows for extremely fine patterns and shaded colors. Class covers the full process, including paste making, paste laying, dyeing, and finishing. Students will dye two hemp handkerchiefs in historical motifs with natural plant dyes that they will take home.
Limit 10.
2 hours.
$15 - Dye and Fabric. Wear something you don't mind staining.

Kachinzome: Ink painting on silk
Mistress Oribe Tsukime, AEthelmearc
Learn about ink painting as a method for clothing decoration in Japan, and make your own silk wrapping cloth (furoshiki) using a combination of stenciling and hand-painting.
2 hours.
$5 for the silk cloth. All materials are provided.

Aisurizome: Indigo stencil rubbing
Morikawa Rei, AEthelmearc
Learn surizome, a Japanese technique for patterning fabric through surface dyeing with stencils. In this class, we will use traditional indigo and kakishibu powder to ""rub dye"" traditional motifs on hemp handkerchiefs that students will keep.
1 hour.
$15 - Handkerchief and Dye. Wear something you don't mind staining.


The other bast fibers (and flax)
Mistress Fiadnata o Gleann Alainn, Midrealm
Let's get some hands-on exposure to plant fibers besides flax: hemp, ramie, nettle and jute. (Oh, and we'll have some flax, as well, just so you can compare the fibers.) If we have time, we'll even do some drop-spinning with each of them -- bring along your favorite drop spindle, or use one of mine.
1 hour
No fee. Bring a drop spindle, if you have one.

Cordage: The long and short of it
Master Bedwyr Danwyn, AEthelmearc
Taking short, weak fibers and twisting them together to make long, strong fibers is one of the most basic fiber skills. Once learned, it is possible to keep increasing the length and strength of a cord until one can literally moor a ship with it. Learn how to make drawstrings for trousers, sacks, purses, satchels, medallions, garment trim and lots more. This class will teach you how astonishingly fast, easy and inexpensive it is to make both utilitarian and fancy cords; and no spindle or wheel is involved.
1 hour.
No fee.

Introduction to drop spindle
THL Glenna Cholmondeley, AEthelmearc
This class teaches how to spin on a drop spindle, which is the primary spinning tool for most of history in almost every culture.
1 hour.
$5 for tools and fibers

Spinning silk
THL Glenna Cholmondeley, AEthelmearc
This class will teach students about spinning silk. We will explore Mawata silk (a late period japanese preparation of fiber) and silk roving.
1 hour.
$5 for materials, handouts and spindles

Fabric Construction

Latvian bow looms: Warp and wear
Mistress Rhiannon y bwa, AEthelmearc
The Latvian bow loom is a single spring-tensioned wooden branch which acts as both warp beam and cloth beam. The ancient Latvians buried their dead and included tablet-woven narrow bands that can be made on these looms- even while chasing sheep and cows. Students will try looms on and practice walking while weaving.
Please wear a belt that fits under swell of chest.
1 hour.
No fee. Optional: Bring a camera or cell phone for pictures.

Introduction to naalbinding
Mistress Phiala O'Ceallaigh, AEthelmearc
Come learn a very old method for creating cozy items with a single needle and some yarn. We will cover basic techniques and start a tiny pouch that you can finish later.
1 hour.
No fee.

Basics of hand-loop braiding
Mistress Phiala O'Ceallaigh, AEthelmearc
Learn the basics of Japanese hand-loop braiding, kute-uchi. It’s like fingerloop braiding, but the loops are held on the hands instead of the fingers. I learned a method from Jacqui Carey for making it much easier to keep the loops in order.
1 hour.
No fee.


Russian garb math
THL Zoya Dragomirova, AEthelmearc
Using your measurements we will calculate the pattern pieces for a dress. Then we will cut a single dress with a set of measurements to illustrate the layout of the pieces and my method of cutting. This will be followed by an explaination of my steps for assembly. Each of these can be used as you need.
2 hours.
No fee.

Hand sewing 201: History of sewing tools and where to find them currently
Lady Ethne an Locha, AEthelmearc
This is an intermediate class for those who are already familiar with basic tools and techniques of hand-finishing garments. We will cover choosing threads, using period tools, and making your stitches look "museum quality".
1 hour.
No fee.

Fur sewing
THL Agnella Iacopi, AEthelmearc
Learn basic techniques for sewing with fur.
2 hours.
No fee.

Ersatz ermine for the eager elite
Mairghread ui Stilbheard uu Coinn, AEthelmearc
Faux ermine was a period thing. Who knew??? This course will demonstrate how to construct faux or ersatz ermine from white and black rabbit furs, linen scraps, glue using scissors/razor or sharp knife. Background is included in the class handout.
1 hour.
No fee.

Best buttons with Bess
THLady Lisabetta de Rossi, AEthelmearc
Learn some background on buttons observed in late-period European clothing & practice two styles of button construction using methods tested by Bess.
1 hour.
$2 for kit.


Fabric stamping basics and measurements
Lord Arne Burdensen, AEthelmearc
Basic fabric stamping methods, materials, and measurement concepts. We will set up a stamping table, measure and plan the garment, learn good stamping techniques. This is a working session.
2 hours.

There's an app for that
Anastasie deLamoure, AEthelmearc
Historical applique, the history and a make and take project.
1 hour.
$5 for sewing kit, needles, pins, scissors and a hoop.

Beading for Byzantines
Lady Eudoxia Antonina, AEthelmearc
The Byzantines loved adornments! From trim to beads to jewelry, even their plain garments had drip. This class will cover the basics of Byzantine dress and how and where trim and beads could be used and applied. Attendees will leave with a sample beaded Byzantine project.
2 hours.
Bring an embroidery hoop if you have one.

Tent stitch 101
Baroness Antoinette Delorraine, AEthelmearc
In this class you will learn tent stitch and basket weave tent stitch to complete a mini sampler.
1 hour.
$5 donation is requested for needle, DMC floss, mini sampler and handout.

Embroidery thread survey
HL Jerusha a'Laon, Caid
A discussion of the various types of thread available commercially and resources on how to acquire them.
1 hour.
$1 for optional handout.