Fiber, Fabric, and (not) Fighting XXI

Greetings to all weavers, dyers, tailors, spinners, and textile workers of all persuasions!

FFF XXI will be in-person, at a new site and on a new weekend, but with the same textile fun that we are known for! We will be gathering at the Forrest D. Brown Conference Center, Mifflinburg, PA, on the weekend of November 10-12, 2023. This site has bunk space for travelers, and we will have the library, the silent auction, and all of the activities we love.

Please note that the site is smaller, and preregistration is required. The full event announcement has all the details.

Teacher registration is now open.

We look forward to seeing you in November!
Mistress Elyse la Bref, Autocrat
Mistress Phiala O'Ceallaigh, Chancellor

Class Schedule

FFF21 schedule

Latest update: 2023-11-10. Click for PDF.


Sewing and Needlework

Handsewing for Garment Construction (and Fun, but Maybe Not Profit)
THL Fede di Fiore, Elena de la Palma, Ethne an Locha
Want to hand-sew some (or all!) of a garment, but aren't quite sure where to start? Join us to learn about the fundamental stitches for garment construction, how to work them, and where each fits best within a garment.
Bring a work in progress if you'd like individualized advice!
1 hour; no fee; no limit.
10:00 AM

16th Century Cross Stitch Taught by the Left Hand
Baroness Antoinette deLorraine, AEthelmearc
16th century cross stitch is simply a style of spirals; and knowing how to apply it makes the stitches come alive. This class will be taught by a left handed instructor.
1 hour; $5 for materials; no limit.
11:00 AM

CANCELLED: Making your SCA T-shirts into a Pillow or Quilt
Mistress Rowena ni Dhonnchaidh, AEthelmearc
All the thing I learned, both to do and not do!, when I started embroidering my tshirts to make the faded ones 'pop' back into life again. and then realized I had so many of them that I should make a quilt.
1 hour; no fee; no limit.
1:30 PM

CANCELLED: Purl Playtime
Mistress Cristina inghean Ghriogair, AEthelmearc
Learn about purl work and how it's applied. Some embroidery experience helpful.
1 hour; no fee; limit 6.
1:30 PM

Weaving and Braiding

Intro to Baltic Pickup Weaving
Mistress Arianna of Wynthrope, AEthelmearc
While not provably period, the Baltic Pickup method of weaving narrow bands is an alternative to tablet weaving that still allows you to create custom designs. Warp threads are either picked up from the bottom shed or dropped from the top shed in order to build a design from a pattern. A limited number of pre-warped looms will be available, or bring your own. This class is for people already familiar with basic inkle weaving.
2 hours; no fee. I will have seven looms; if more people attend, they can audit or take turns with other participants.
10:00 AM

Bitty Sprang Bags
Mistress Phiala O'Ceallaigh, AEthelmearc
Let's make a very small bag as a way to practice setting up, working, and finishing a sprang piece.
Time 2 hours, no fee; limit 5.
1:30 PM

The James Bond Inkle Loom
Master Bedwyr Danwyn, AEthelmearc
Inkle Loom: the fast and easy way to make garment trim. If you wish to make period looking trim for your T-tunic or other garments, this class is for you. Inkle Looms are the easiest way to weave and serve as a gateway to more complex weaving disciplines. I will also show you how to construct a stealth Inkle Loom so you can make trim anywhere, even at work!
1 hour; no fee; no limit.
1:30 PM

Weaving on a Warp-Weighted Loom
Master Hrolfr a Fjarfelli, AEthelmearc
A hands-on class that will outline the different aspects of setting up and weaving on a warp weighted loom.
2 hours; no fee; no limit.
2:30 PM

Introduction to Fingerloop Braiding
Master Bedwyr Danwyn, AEthelmearc
This is an entry level class into the world of Fingerloop Braiding. In just one hour, learn how easy it is to make lacing cords for garb, armor, document seals, keys, knife scabbards, points, etc. These braids can be as plain or fancy as you wish, in any color and at little expense. I'll also show you how to make a simple parking stand!
1 hour; no fee; no limit.
4:30 PM

Bow Looms
Mistress Phiala O'Ceallaigh, AEthelmearc
Who says weaving has to be complicated and expensive? I'll bring a pile of sticks and some string...
1 hour; no fee; no limit.
3:30 PM

Don't Cut It off the Loom Yet: Troubleshooting Tablet Weaving
Mahin Banu Tabrizi, AEthelmearc
Bring your weaving out of time out. Too tight? Too loose? Pattern on the bottom? Does not look like the example, design, or pattern? Cards got all mixed up? The little whatsums point all the wrong way? The way to learn how to fix errors is to make them and talk about them. We talk a little about causes of common issues, but the bulk of the class will be hands on problem solving of projects on a supportive, no judgement environment.
1 hour; no fee; no limit.
4:30 PM

Fiber and Yarn

UNspinning Bast Fibers
Mistress Rhiannon y Bwa, AEthelmearc
Use fiber and thread analysis to separate poor quality, weak, fuzzy linen thread, yardage and rough bed linen from the smoothest, strongest, shining-est linens of past/present. Hands on. Old examples.
1 hour; no fee; no limit. Students bring scissors and magnifying glass appreciated.
10:00 AM

Plying Yarn 101
THL Glenna Cholmondeley, AEthelmearc
Exploring Techniques for plying yarn
1 hour; $5 includes spindle, handout and yarn to ply.
11:00 AM

But Is It Really Flax?
Mistress Fiadnata o Gleann Alainn, Midrealm
Linen is one of the most popular period fabrics, and one that many Scadians use for warm-weather garb. The near-universal assumption (shared by textile archaeologists and the public) has been that all linen in period was made from flax. Recent research now shows that the plants used were often other bast-fiber plants. Let's look at the new findings to see what bast plants are being identified and how they are being differentiated.
1 hour; no fee; no limit.
2:30 PM

Support Spinning 201
THL Glenna Cholmondeley, AEthelmearc
A look into the history and techniques of support spinning. Basic spinning knowledge recommended.
1 hour; $5 covers spindle, bowl, fibers and handout. $6 with premium spindle.
4:30 PM