Fabric, Fiber, Fighting, Fencing (etc) XIV

Preliminary Class List

Full announcement

The fourteenth annual FFF will be held Nov 18-20 in Lamar, PA.

This class list is preliminary, and may still change.

Bring your favorite books for the library.

The draft schedule is now available.


Who’s afraid of brocade?

Silvester Burchardt

A brief intro to brocaded tablet weaving. If possible, bring a started tablet warp at least 19 cards wide to practice on.

2 hr; Limit 10; No fee, donation for hand-out.

Warp Float Patterning (Snartemo) Yes, you can do it!

Mistress Rosalind Ashworthe

Tablet weaving class involving three or four color warps, and individual card manipulation, Students should have a basic understanding of tablet weaving mechanics, but don't be afraid! I will break it down to make it less scary than it seems.

2 hr; Limit 4; No fee.

Designing Snartemo patterns

Mistress Rosalind Ashworthe

We will break down the structure created by warp float patterning, and learn how to design our own original patterns inspired by period examples.

Best for students that have taken a Snartemo weaving class or already know how to tablet weave Snartemo or another tablet weaving style involving individual card manipulation.

1 hr; No limit; No fee.

Warp-weighted loom demo

Hrolfr Fjarfell

Demo, scheduled but will be set up for longer, at the instructor's convenience.

1 hr; No limit; No fee.

Sticks and String: Making and using a bow loom

Phiala O’Ceallaigh

One of the simplest possible forms of loom. Who says weaving has to be expensive and complicated?

1 hr; No limit; No fee.

Loom Tour (Tentative)

Phiala O’Ceallaigh

How many looms can Phiala haul onsite? Why does she have so many? See for yourself!

1 hr; No limit; No fee.


Bookmarkers for Discontinuous Reading 1200-1600 CE II

Mistress Rhiannon y Bwa

This hands-on class will make a removable multiple-strand bookmarker attached to an anchor. It will be sized to fit a book provided by the student.  In that process, the student will learn the essentials of this type of bookmarker used in both altar service books and personal prayer books for discontinuous reading in Europe from 1200-1600 CE. (Today we might use this type of marker for cookbooks and research books.). Many bookmakers of this type employed tiny textile strands. Note: This class will produce a different type of marker than that taught at AEthelmearc AEcademy.

Class materials: provided, but students should bring a book to size the bookmarker to.

1 hr; No limit; No fee.


Goldwork Embroidery

Lady Megryth Allisonsdottir

Students will review a brief history of goldwork in period and where/how it was used. Discussion on techniques, time periods, and the materials used. Students will look at samples created with both imitation gold and modern threads, and practice the couching gold threads on a sample of their own.

The first hour is lecture/discussion and introduction to the techniques, the second will be spent working on the sample. Basic handsewing a must, basic embroidery helpful but not required.

2 hr; Limit 6; Class kit is $5 for hoop, fabric, gold threads, etc.

Some Basics on Gold and How It Relates to Embroidery

Jaqueline de Molieres

What is gold? Where does it come from? Who was making all that gold thread and how did they do it? And, how was the gold thread used? Lots of info and some deductive reasoning, all leading to Opus Anglicanum.

1 hr; No limit; No fee. Bring paper and pencil.

Girona Tapestry, Tapestry of Creation

Jaqueline de Molieres

We will discuss the 11th Century Spanish tapestry (really an embroidery), its symbolism, and how its made. Bring your embroidery supplies and learn the Kloster Stitch, the stitch that was used to create this mysterious wall hanging.

1 hr; No limit; No fee. Bring embroidery supplies.


Four Fabulous Fasteners

Master Bedwyr Danwyn

It's time to advance past buttons! Learn how to make toggles, hooks & eyes, lacing rings and fibre grommets. As time permits students can try making their own. You are NOT still using commercial metal grommets, are you?

1 hr; No limit; No fee.

From Seeing to Sewing: Intro to Pattern Making

Elena de la Palma

Have you ever looked at a period painting and thought "Wow, that looks great!" only to have your heart immediately sink as you realize that you've got no idea where to start actually making the thing in the painting? This class will (hopefully) help with that by starting you down the wonderful rabbit-hole that is making your own patterns.

1 hr; No limit; No fee.

A Brief History of Undergarments: The Pair of Bodies and The Farthingale

Elena de la Palma

The pair of bodies and the farthingale are major influences that shaped late period fashion (literally and figuratively). But what did they really look like? When did they first show up? What kind of extant examples do we have of them? This class will give a general sense of how these two items evolved during the late period, touching on construction, materials, and variations in use and style in the centers of European fashion - and doing a little myth busting along the way.

1 hr; No limit; No fee.

Gather Up Your Garb and Fly: an Introduction to Cartridge Pleating.

Donna Fede de Fiore

1 hr; No limit; No fee. Materials will be provided, but extra needles and linen scraps would be helpful.

The Sture Glove

Irene von Schmetterling

An overview of my research on the Sture glove and my process of creating its cousin. With hands on opportunity to knit with silk at smaller gauges.

1 hr; No limit; No fee.


Shibori: Japanese shaped-resist dyeing

Lady Oribe Tsukime

Shibori can loosely be described as Japanese tie-dye, but uses a wide variety of techniques to create both geometric and pictorial designs. This class will cover the nuishime (stitched) and boshi (capped) techniques used to create the floral patterns characteristic of tsujigahana dyeing, popular in the Muromachi and Momoyama periods.

This class will be in two parts. The first part will be hands-on instruction on stitching and capping techniques. The second part, later in the day to allow time to complete a project, will be the dyeing.

Limit 8, $1 for a handkerchief or $5 for a silk scarf.

Household Arts

to make black sope

Elska á Fjárfella

Demo, scheduled but will be set up for longer, at the instructor's convenience.

1 hr; No limit; No fee.

Clean clothes make the man...

Elska á Fjárfella

Period recipes and techniques to clean fabrics of all manner of stains.

1 hr; No limit; No fee.


Pennsic Fiber Arts Pavilion

THLady Fiadnata ó Gleann Àlainn

At Pennsic, I have created a pavilion devoted to the Fiber Arts, and available to all for the duration of the War. I invite everyone to come meet other fiber artisans, take a class, teach a class, or just bring fiber toys over and relax with like-minded folk for a morning (or afternoon). Let's have a group discussion on the Pavilion, and what we want to do there next Pennsic. I'm particularly looking for people who can help me run the Pavilion, or who want to take over particular activities and be in charge of the Pavilion for specific mornings or afternoons.

1 hr; No limit; No fee.

Class lists from previous years