Fabric, Fiber, Fighting, Fencing and Fishing (etc) XII

Preliminary Class List

Full announcement

The twelfth annual FFF will be held Nov 28-30 in Lamar, PA.



Draft schedule


The Viking Hand Distaff and how to use it
Mistress Rhiannon y Bwa
Hands on class includes dressing an Oseberg style distaff with wool. We’ll be using hand spindles to spin worsted style and discuss other distaves from the Oseberg find and what fibers they might have held. Distaves, spindles and wool provided. 1 hour, morphs into spindle class.
No limit
Fee $1 for handouts. Same handout as spindle class.

10th–16th C. Spindle Sticks and Whorls, Hands-On
Mistress Rhiannon y Bwa
Hands-on spinning includes selection of re-created Anglo Norse spindle sticks from Coppergate, Viking spindles from Norse settlements of 11th to 14th C, and Netherlandish spindles/Raeren whorls from the 15th–16th C. Instructor will teach ‘tuning’ whorls to spindle sticks and is particularly interested in the spinability of surviving spindle sticks with the ‘belly bump’ on the shaft. Tapered whorl holes that match tapered spindle sticks will be explored. Students will spin wool (provided) on these re-creations in class. All levels welcome, though this is not a beginners’ class. Note that this class has ‘loaner’ spindle sticks available for those who don’t want to purchase them, or bring your own.
I have just produced some Youtube videos on Medieval Spinning that you might enjoy: search YouTube for “missingspindle”.
1 hour
No limit
Fee $1 for handouts. Loaner spindles or you can purchase them, priced from $15-$45. Wool provided.

Wool Preparation
THLady Fiadnata ó Gleann Àlainn
It would be nice if we could get wool directly off the sheep that was immediately suitable for spinning. Sheep, however, are exceedingly uncooperative about keeping their fleeces clean for us, so we need to clean and prepare our wool before we can sit down and spin it. This class will discuss the steps we need to take.
1 hour
No limit
No fee


Basic Fingerloop Braiding
Master Bedwyr Danwyn
Learn how to simply and cheaply braid fancy cords that can be used for, well; thousands of uses! YOU can learn how to do this in less than 30 minutes! All you need are opposable thumbs.
1 hour
No limit
No fee

Introduction to Kumihimo
Oribe Tsukime
Learn about the history of kumihimo braiding and make a basic spiral braid using a foam disk.
1 hour
Limit: 6
$4 for basic materials and handout, no-tangle bobbins available for an additional $3.

Tablet Weaving

Fast Warp THL Aibell ingen Dairmata
A hands-on class. Learn how to warp a loom for tablet weaving in under 30 minutes (10 min with practice). This setup work for patterns where large portions of the cards are all threaded the same (simple patterns, double-face, brocade). We will be warping the looms for the intro to tablet weaving class.
1 hour [Afternoon]
Limit: 6
Fee: None to take the class; $15 to keep the loom and other equipment - looms will be available after my weaving class.

Introduction to Tablet Weaving
THL Aibell ingen Dairmata
A hands-on class.
1 hour [Afternoon]
Limit: 6
Fee: None to take the class; $15 to keep the loom and other equipment.

Analysis and Drafting
Mistress Phiala O’Ceallaigh
Have you ever seen a band you wanted to replicate, or a photo of a tablet-woven item you’d really like to reproduce? We will look at both bands and pictures, and talk about strategies for working out how the band was woven, and how to reproduce it. Students will have the opportunity to draft patterns from various sources.
1 hour
Limit: 6
Fee: TBA for handout

Introduction to Brocaded Tablet Weaving Rosalind Ashworthe
Intermediate tablet weavers can learn the basics of brocading an extra weft on top of the band while weaving.
1 hour
Limit: 5
Fee: TBA


The Evolution of Loom Types
THLady Fiadnata ó Gleann Àlainn
This class is an overview of the most primitive loom types, the types of weaves that are found in early history and why they are associated with the loom types that produce them. We’ll also discuss the fibers used in prehistoric weaving and why they are probably found in the areas where they have been located.
1 hour
No limit
No fee


Hands-on Cross Stitch Embroidery for Beginners
Lady Vivienne of Yardley
2 hours
Limit: TBA
Fee: $5.00 for a complete kit. 2 to choose from.

Basics of Gold Work Embroidery
THL Cristina inghean Ghriogair
Beginning gold work embroidery.
2 hours
Limit 10


Drop-in Knitting Instruction
Lady Vivienne of Yardley

Introduction to Knitting
Mistress Irene von Schmetterling
Learn to knit and make a period hat at the same time. We will be knitting a Monmouth cap which was made and used from the 1400s to post period. Students will learn to knit in the round, decrease stitches, pick up stitches and bind off.
Students should bring size 10.5 or 11 double point knitting needles and 190 yards of worsted weight yarn. Wool is preferable but wool blends will also work.
1.5 hours
Limit: 12
Fee: None


Wet Felting in 3-D 
Lady Rowan L’Crotha
Special Needs: Working garb that can get wet and / or soapy. Bringing a bath towel for work surface and clean up is recommended.
1 hour [mid-morning]
Limit: 10
Fee: TBA, will cover materials kit.

Needle Felting in 3-D
Lady Rowan L’Crotha
Possibly a Slavic pysanky design?
Special Needs: Working garb that can get wet and / or soapy. Bringing a bath towel for work surface and clean up is recommended.
1.5 hours [afternoon]
Limit: 10
Fee: TBA, will cover materials kit.


Late Period Gown Construction
Fede Berrecci
Class will cover the basics of gown construction from the 1500s. What fabric works best. How to get the right silhouette and “look”. If there is time we will construct our our own bodice patterns which can be used “as is” or adapted for a variety of regional styles. Craft paper and supplies will be provided, though we can always use another measuring tape.
2 hours
Limit: 8
No fee


Medieval Scents
Princess Gabrielle van Nijenrode
An overview of fragrance types used in the Middle Ages based on Period Herbals and documented recipes. Participants will also learn about the Top, Middle and Bottom notes that compose a fine fragrance and how a perfume changes when applied to skin and over time. We will smell and compare a variety of essential oils. Each person will have the opportunity to create their own perfume blend as well as a scented sachet.
Those who are sensitive to odors should be aware that smelling essential oils is a major part of the class. This class will be located well away from main event areas (outside if weather permits).
1 hour
Limit: 15
Fee: $5 for booklet, personally crafted perfume and scented sachet.