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Posts under ‘garden’

Cooking summer

Roasted Whatever Take whatever you have lots of in the garden right now, plus whatever herbs are handy. Chop the herbs, mix with a bit of sea salt and some olive oil. Chop the whatever (tomatoes, in this case), or not as need be. Toss with the herbs and oil, place on a baking sheet […]

A day to myself

Ah… a Saturday at home alone. Nick is off doing SCA stuff, and I’m here doing… whatever I want! After a lazy morning, I put on Amanda Palmer‘s new album, and set to it. I’ve cleaned the kitchen and put away all the crap in the dining room so I can do some sewing. I […]

Summer haul

Today I visited one of the five weekly farmer’s markets within two miles of my house. The tomatoes came from my garden, but they still count, right? Sweet corn, tomatoes, blackberries, a taste picture of a Pennsylvania summer day. And brussels sprouts too, having found the perfect recipe. The other acquisition? A chocolate beet cake. […]


How wonderful to lie in bed and listen to rain falling outside my window. Here, there has been no rain for the entire month of August, plus a bit of July. Things were getting rather crunchy. Who knows, it might even rain tomorrow.

Blogging in the kitchen

No, not about food. Why would you think that? I’m dyeing some cotton, and since it’s at the stage where it needs to be stirred almost continuously, I brought the laptop in the kitchen to keep me company while I stir. Don’t worry, not next to the dyebath – I’m pretty sure that fiber reactive […]

Still life with tomatoes and manuscript

Bread, cheese (in wax!), fresh basil, and the very first of the tomatoes! Of the fancy heirloom tomatoes, the Flamme wins the prize for earliest. The Sioux did not thrive, and won’t produce any fruit. We’ll see about the other two. Even the volunteer black cherry tomatoes didn’t start to ripen until this week. They […]

Some advice on writing

There seems little prospect of me getting caught up on blogging any time in the immediate future. The odds are roughly equivalent to those of me getting caught up on yard work, I think. Just to make it clear that I haven’t actually vanished, I wanted to share with you a couple of photos and […]


In the interest of catching up on some back files (and in the interest of not having to actually think of anything to write today), here are some of this spring’s flowers. (How behind am I, you might ask? Well, none of these are still blooming.)

String and things for string

Whirlwind update with something for everyone. I’ve been collecting photos and not posting them, so here’s a catch-up photo essay. I have a new reel, complete with rotation counter, courtesy of Nick. It spins beatifully, although the counter-post is going to need some work. The furniture fairies (aka Nick’s parents) brought us some things last […]

Quick Pic

Volunteering in my courtyard: And a quick update: the new spring sock yarn is now available at my Etsy site. If you buy some, then I can buy more blanks and do more dyeing. I was asked about the weaving cards… they aren’t listed yet, as I wanted to get a couple more things worked […]