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Weaving class May 25

Exciting news: the nearby town of Huntingdon, PA is trying to start a Fiber ArtsFest! It will be May 25, 2013, on the campus of Juniata College in Huntingdon.

I’ll be teaching a four-hour tablet-weaving class in the afternoon, “Card Weaving for Anyone.” (I offered to send them a photo without the dangling threads, honest. But I do like that band.) The class will be suitable for all experience levels: beginners are welcome, and I’m pretty sure that even experienced tablet weavers will learn something.

The sample band in the photo? That’s what we’ll be doing by the end of class. Really.

Even if you’ve never woven before, you’ll be weaving something like this by the end of class.

tablet weaving

That’s my current project, and will be trim eventually.

In other news, the baby plants in the garden continue to grow.


The daffodils are in full swing.


And we’re about to have a tulip explosion.


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